Originally Posted by Success100
i just called to switch to the 29.99 sero plan and they say telenav isnt included. looks like ill be sending a nice little email to ecare
I don't ever remember it being included. Court are you talking about the Sprint Nav and $2.99 a day. That is the going rate for plans that do not include it. It also can be a monthly $9.99 but I think the $2.99 max's out at $9.99 so you will never pay more than that but I am not sure and have been out of retail for a bit.
Post back if we need to get more info I know a lot of people in retail and can get an official answer, or at least should be able to.
I work for Sprint, I don't speak for them. Moderator PhoneNews.com (Brandon Smith)
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when someone helps you out.
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Think about it.