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Old 06-19-2011, 06:06 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.22.651.2 | *Updated 6/20/11*

First of all, thanks OMJ for all your work. (And, I had few to no problems with the 1.7 version.)

I did a full wipe before the installatio of 1.8. (Using ZZSuperwipe (sp?))

The installation seemed to go fine, and everything booted up well and my google data synced fine.

But, while loading my apps, I've experienced a lot of FCs when trying to use some of the my apps. None of these caused problems in 1.7.

I redownloaded the apps from both the Market and the Amazon App Store, and started from scratch. I did not use Titanium Backup or similar apps to reinstall anything.

Specifically, I'm crashing using Tweetdeck, Poynt, WeatherBug Elite, NECN weather. I might have similar issues with other apps, but I'm in the process loading my apps and these were the initial problems I detected. I did not have a problem with all of the my apps, however. For instance, Pocket Informant, the new Google Music, PowerAMP, etc. all seemed to work fine.

I've tried deleting all data and cache for the misbehaving apps, and have uninstalled and reinstalled them, to no avail. Usually, the FC happens upon opening/starting the app.

Thanks and hopefully someone will be able to provide an explanation/solution/fix.

-- Andrew
(PDA/Phone History (some of the names/models might be off due to my aging memory): Casio BOSS, Sharp Pocket Organizer, Palm IIIe, Handspring Visor Deluxe, Dell Axim X5 Advanced, Dell Axim X3i, Dell X50v, Cingular 8125, Palm 700Wx, Palm 700p, Sprint Mogul, Palm 800w, Sprint Touch Pro, Palm Treo Pro, LG Optimus S (wife's) and HTC EVO 4G)