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Old 06-18-2011, 09:20 PM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Correct - .39 has been rock solid for me in the last 24 hrs on a partitioned build with some changes to the file system. As it is, I have put it through the paces with multiple market downloads, adb installs/pull/push though I don't think I ever received a phone call during those times.

If you are running the stock ril - ditch that crap as soon as possible. I am currently on hyc's ril1 dated 04-12 with the standard f22 rootfs. Soon I will try to migrate to ril2 + f22&hyc rootfs, unless someone shares a negative experience with that setup and this kernel.

Not sure if it's because of the file system changes to my partitions, but I am really enjoying .39. The screen behavior alone is worth the upgrade.

Thanks jonpry and WisTilt2, this rig is really great.

Caveat: Haven't tested wifi or BT.

Last edited by detule; 06-18-2011 at 09:45 PM.
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