Sprint Fraud department called me
I got a call from sprint fraud department yesterday.
I bought an eprp plan and transfered liability of a sero plan to my account.
I also did the same for my girlfriend. Opened up a eprp plan, transfered sero plan, canceled eprp plan. and she also got a call from the fraud department.
So im thinking its not a coincidence.
IS this legal what we did. Ive read countless threads on transfering sero plans and I havn't come accross one person whos talked about sprint fraud department calling them. Everyone has said that it is completly legal.
I dont want them to cancel my account I bought the dam thing and already paid the guy for the sero plan
Im very worried here. What should I do? What do they want?
Im afraid if I ignore them they will freeze my account.
Maybe he just wants to confirm the transfer of liability i dont know but Im a little worried what should I do?
Please PM me if you have a sero plan to sell with 1000 mins or more

Last edited by ModmyPPC; 06-17-2011 at 07:11 PM.