Re: [Tutorial] New device setup (CWM, ROM, Kernel, Netflix)
Step 1: Determine your bootloader version
There are two different bootloader versions that your gTab may have come with. To check which branch you are on if you are on STOCK: Go to Settings -- About Tablet -- Tap UI Version. If your firmware starts with "1.1", then you are on the 1.1 (old) branch. If your firmware starts with "1.2", then you are on the 1.2 (new) branch.
It is important to know which branch you are on so that you use the proper files throughout the rest of the process. Like I've already said, my device was on the 1.1 branch.
It is possible to go from one branch to another. You can move from 1.1 to 1.2 by flashing the official 1.2 stock ROM and then use 1.2 ROMs. To get from 1.2 down to 1.1 involves the use of NVFLASH and is outside the scope of this tutorial.
Last edited by Perasite; 06-17-2011 at 10:26 AM.