Re: Early upgrade, No problem
I did not know about this thread, until now.. I did a chat session with them, just explaining that I was one of those premier customers that got affected by the gold/silver change that started on 4-1, and that I felt it was unfiar. She came back and said I was eligible for a upgrade "reset" right now.. she told me to call Telesales and get them to apply it and do a pre order.. well, can't do a pre-order through telesales until 6-21, but, I had the telesales rep confirm I was going to get this Reset, and then asked her to document such on my account, so when I call on the 21st, the new rep won't have to do too much research....
I am very happy with Sprint.. they have always taken care of me.. 5 lines, and Airave, with 27% discount, 4G fee on 3 devices, insurance on 4 devices, and spend about 240/month.. which I fully write off because I run a business.. see any other cell company beat that!!!