Originally Posted by kennyglass
You need to delete Asphalt demo and HD game demo. You can try moving as many apps as possible to the SD card. The CWM 2.5 or are supposed to delete Asphalt and make room. Are you running the run.bat from the directory you installed it in? EC05 has way too much bloatware in it and busybox has no room to install and do its thing.
So you are saying that it is normal to get this busybox error when using any of the root methos on EC05? my opinion they should make a root that removes all these sprint apps that nobody or at least almost nobody uses them. like TV , football , sprint zone and the sprint NAV. since we already have a Free google navigation better then sprint NAV.. besids sprint NAV its also a demo anyways. and if you want to upgrade it you have to pay. just remove all that junk and we shoulndt have this error. besides how do i remove these apps so when ever i root i dont get that error?