Originally Posted by latinlover515
yes i rooted from stock virgin EB13 then installed bonsai master key as a root... i always had issues when rooting on EC05 stock ROM. i usually get some damn error like this:
busybox: /system/xbin/insmod: No space left on device
and the list keeps going down.. now when ever i had rooted on stock EB13 i never get that error.. and by the way iam talking about the traditional one click root clockwork i dont know if using bonsai master key as a root on stock EC05 ii will get the same error or not... i dont know if the space error its somethiing commmon on these Epics or not. i even made a thread about it not too long ago and nothing was said about it.. or i should say nobodyseems to have that issue. but in another forum i saw another guy wondering how to fix the same error. but not much was said about it eather..
Are you using a .pit file when you flash back to stock? Sounds like partitions on the phone are not getting laid out properly. The MasterKey process doesn't really do anything differently in the root process, so I would expect the same results no matter which method you use to root the phone.