Re: time for something new
I would say try running XDAndroid on your phone to get a feel for Android. It will tell you if you like it or not (minus battery life and bugs). As far as getting a new phone goes, maybe get one before tiered data sets in if you would even want 4G so you get the plan. As far as which device, well it's a toss up really. HTC has good build quality but the TB has bad battery life, which EVERYONE complains about, because there are two radios for 1x/3G and 4G I think and it is a huge battery drain. Sticking to 3G ain't a bad option either and gives you many more options.
There are some good software keyboards too on Android so finding a good touchscreen is essential. I love the one on my OG Droid since the hardware KB sucks.
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.
