Thread: Evo 4g/Evo 3D
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Old 06-13-2011, 04:56 PM
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Re: Evo 4g/Evo 3D

Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
I was not going to reply to you (again) but I had to set this point straight. This blatant falsehood seems to be what you are basing your whole flawed argument on.
like the flawed argument that quadrant finished faster when in reality it didn't?

Yes, if you have a 1080p tv you can absolutely watch a 480i program. And yes, you can convert it to 480p, or stretch it to fill the whole screen. But if you think the tv does this without using any extra processing power, you're crazy. Native resolution will ALWAYS get a better performance. Maybe it's enough for you to notice, maybe it isn't. But if you are testing the raw processing power on 2 devices for comparison purposes, then it isn't fair to have that extra processing running in the background on one device and not the other.
TVs hardly have any processing power..on an LCD screen it is irrelevant as all pixels are on all the time via back lighting..then a color is displayed via liquid crystals and color filter...

Now the only thing that requires anything extra is "rescaling" as re-scaling is not done..its the same thing....
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