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Old 06-12-2011, 01:53 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.12.651.1 | *Updated 6/7/11*

Originally Posted by duvonm View Post
How do I remove a previous rom completely with out loosing the root? I want to start using OMJ rom Thanks
Depending on the recovery you are running you can go in and manually do a Factory reset (also wipes cache) and Wipe dalvik cache. You can also flash this zip
which will clean you out completely. I run that before every ROM flash.
After that flash OMJ's latest and greatest.
btw-you want to do a nand backup before you start wiping just so you have something to fall back to should things go awry. It's an option in recovery. For recovery if you aren't on amon, I suggest you switch to that. It's better than CWM imo.

Originally Posted by brooklyn6 View Post
Great Rom! I noticed that I don't have 3G network symbol on my phone. It shows up as 1x. Is there a way to fix that? OMJ...Great Job on the Roms!
You should see 3G when you are actually on it. Awhile ago we started getting a more accurate account of network/signal strength. Apparently we were getting a "false" 3G for some time.