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Old 06-11-2011, 02:01 PM
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Re: 04.11.11 Hero ROMS updates

I know this is gonna sound strange, but here goes:
I gave my Sprint cdma Hero to my mother (in December), who lives across the country from me, so I can only help via phone and/or computer.
The phone is rooted w/ unrevoked (S-ON), AMON RA, and FRESH 2.4 w/ baseband radio Lately (w/in the last 2 months), she's been experiencing a LOT of dropped calls (4-5/day). I've walked her through updating the PRL & Profile. But I suspect the phone has a lot of junk on it, that might be contributing to the problems, and needs an updated Radio, Kernel, (or ROM).
I'm pretty sure (via phone/computer) I can walk her through some wiping & flashing. I'm looking for a very stable setup that will not need to be tweaked constantly to fix bugs. She use it mainly for phone calls, email/text , and some internet. She's also been going through more battery drain than should be.
I was just going to walk her through factory/data reset (?), wiping cache, dalvik, and re-flashing Fresh 2.4, and the newer radio.
Does anyone have any info/suggestions, or better solution?
I was also looking into Liquidsense 2.1, 2.1.1, and possibly AOSP 2.3.4, but didn't know if there'd be much tweaking/ trouble for her.
Thanks for any help.
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