Originally Posted by ac0x
Disrepectful? Seriously? I'm not talking about anyones personality or belief system or ancestral heritage. I'm talking about their phone. Come on, get serious. And yes I do think my post was helpful. Helpful for TP2 users who see this and realize their situation isn't as rare as they might think. Helpful for TP2 users who might be hesitant to move to another device DESPITE the device's shortcomings because they believe nothing else might fit what they want.
Want to know what REALLY finally got me to start thinking of getting off of the TP2? It was a friends simple flip phone. I noticed they were actually able to MAKE PHONE CALLS on it and they sounded half decent. I looked at my TP2 and realized its inability to do that was a major and glaring shortcoming of it. And that just got me looking at and thinking about everything else in the device that I had been choosing to ignore.
But to call this "disrespect" is just over the top. ITS A PHONE. Its NOT you. If you think it is, then I "respectfully" suggest you expand your life experiences.
It's easy for you to sit there and say its not disrespectful because you've never contributed anything!! It takes countless hours of work to create some of the easier things around here let alone the time it takes to make a complete rom. For you to think that we don't in a sense feel attached to our work is foolish on your part especially with the amount of work put into it! You obviously have no idea what your talking about to even suggest this thread is in any way helpful. (if it was it wouldn't have been moved). whether or not you see it or meant it to be..it's DISRESPECTFUL!
I too, like horndoc, have never had any problems with making calls..it's the best of all the phones I've ever had in that dept.. actually in all departments! Maybe you had coverage issues or some kind of hardware problem with it cause I haven't seen many, if any, threads about poor call quality with it here..
75-95% of all error are user caused..I've been running the stock sprint 6.5 rom, fully loaded with cht, and don't have any of the problems you spoke of. (and the sprint 6.5 is supposedly the buggiest of them all)