Originally Posted by latinlover515
Try this. opin Odin. load a tar file EB13 or EC05 or what ever one. on the checkboxes make sure the Phone EFS clear its checked. that will restore the factory ESN back to the phone.. I this know because my epic its on boost mobile. and by accident I checked that box when going back to stock ROM and my boost ESN disapiered completely and it went back to the ESN printed in back of my phone.. I was so freaking pissed. so i had to reflash my boost esn to go back to boost again. so in other words what i did proofs that checking that box will wipe any other ESN and it returns the phone back to original ESN.. So remember check the normal Auto reboot along with Phone EFS clear. let me know if that worked out...
Thanks will give it a shot when I get home!