Originally Posted by ac0x
Dear TP2
I'll get to the point. I don't love you anymore and I've found someone else. She has a bigger screen, she's faster, she sounds better, and she actually still has people who make real software for her.
Look, sure we had some good times together. But you're not dependable. For all the things I need to do with you, your CPU is too slow and your memory is too small. I'm tired of your headphone jack quirk. I can't deal with your can only call in speakerphone quirk. I don't have the time to rebuild you every few months because you've become so unpredictable and slow. And jeez I couldn't make any real changes to you at ALL until I loaded a 3rd party ROM on you. And as a phone, frankly, your call quality stinks. Look maybe I can give you to my 10 year old and she can use you as a glorifed mp3 player. And I think there's a version of Angry Birds I can load on you that she can use (but Im thinking its so slow it should be called Pokey Birds instead). But you and I just can't have a real relationship anymore.
I'm sorry.
I heard she gave up cuz you wanted to use your finger and wouldn't give her the pleasure of feeling your stylus anymore.
I'm sure there's someone else there that will fiddle with her keys and give her stylus hole a good workout better than you did. Then she will be happy. Enjoy that big bitch you just hooked up with though.