Thread: Evo 4g/Evo 3D
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Old 06-07-2011, 10:04 PM
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Re: Evo 4g/Evo 3D

Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
I wasn't going to reply to this since you just keep posting nonsense. But I figured I would give it one more try.

You showed me teh Evo 3D consistently beating the Sensation. It wasn't a "sometimes this one, sometimes that one" situation. it was a consistent better score (and I still don;t think that test is accurate without knowing which ROMs they were running).
Ok I guess I gotta explain how manufacturing process a manufacturing 2 devices are ever the will ALWAYS have slight manufacturer defects as nothing is perfect..this is why some phones overclock/uv better then others..if the evo 3d had a superior processor in manufacturing process you can have such distinctions..if you dont believe me look at evo benchmarks..there are always ppl who would always bench higher then you on all benchmarks since they got a better chip.

Oh, so then you concede that it could have been a clean and international Galaxy S 2 going up against a bloated T-Mobile Sensation? And yet you think that test is accurate or proves something?
for the 21st time..the SGS 2 when benched on that quadrant video was international sgs2 vs international sensation, in the smartbench it was an average pick for the 2, in the gl benchmark it was unkown origin sensation vs that clear now?

That is what I asked you. You pointed out that several phones have Netflix, so I was wanting you to show me why I should care or how that is related to this discussion.
I dont see why you even brought netflix int othis discussion..I told you from 1st get go it not related...

If Netflix didn't care about it, they wouldn't say things like this:
Netflix on Android Confirmed for Snapdragon Phones First - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
Ok where in that article does it say secure msm? I dotn see it go over the facts..the first devices that got

HTC Incredible (no secure msm)
HTC Nexus One (no secure msm)
HTC Evo 4G (no secure msm)
HTC G2 (secure msm)
Samsung Nexus S (no secure msm)

so tell me again how netflix cares about secure msm? they care about security yes..but are you 100% sure secure msm is the tech they are talking about?

Uh, nice try. If you notice I am responding to you in that post. In the post I quoted, you said, and this is a copy and paste: "hence why Samsung always beats the competition in hardware specs." So yes, you DID start that topic.
I was explaining Samsungs market advantage in the industry...

The benchmarks, which you yourself said were inaccurate and would be better with 2 AOSP ROMs, clearly showed the Evo 3D to consistently score higher than the Sensation.

So? Your claim that the Evo 3D would not bench better than the Sensation were proven wrong when your own link showed the Evo 3D consistently beating the Sensation. Now you are saying "it didn't beat it by as much as the Galaxy S2." So freaking what? lol
Um..ok so we can agree that SGS2 has a better processor then?

Yes, Sense is absolutely bloatware. And I don't assume the Sensation is International. In fact, I said the Galaxy S2 was likely going up against a bloated stock Sensation, and YOU said it was probably international without bloatware.
its separate instances completely unrelated..the sensation was itnernational vs itnernational in the sgs2 bout..its unkown in the evo3d bout..
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