Thread: Evo 4g/Evo 3D
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Old 06-07-2011, 09:20 PM
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Re: Evo 4g/Evo 3D

Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
No, we absolutely cannot agree on that. You are wrong, period. You cite for evidence a test showing the Evo 3D beating the Sensation in every single test? lol. And still, we don't know the stuff running on each device. Pretty sure they don't have the exact same ROM though. My guess is the Evo 3D has all the Sprint bloatware. You said your previous guess on the Sensation was it was an international version with no bloatware.
I showed you evidence of the Evo 3d performing around the same as the do realize no 2 devices are 100% the will always have distinctions like this..check your Evo benchmarks running the exact same rom and you will see people scoring higher and lower within a margin...

Is everything I say universal across all points..I told you that QUADRANT was international..I have no clue whether the sensation tested was international or t-mobile.

Exactly that. Like I said, show me where I said only phone with Secure MSM would ever get Netflix. You do pretty decent job of tearing down arguments that nobody ever made. Here's a hint: I never said the Evo wouldn't get Netflix. I know darn well the Evo already has Netflix because I use it on my Evo all the time. YOU are the one who said Netflix didn't care about Secure MSM, so I pointed out that Netflix themselves said they do.
Thats not what you asked me...I think we are having some sort of language barrier :/..

Secure MSM and netflix are COMPLETELY unrelated..just cause it has "Secure" in it does not mean it automatically related to all security..just like that snapdragonnj site you linked...

Bottom line- the Evo 3D is secure. You were wrong on that claim , like so many others. And every time I point it out you flood the thread with more BS, false claims, change the subject, build up straw men and then tear them down, make a bunch of excuses, and so on.
You have yet to prove me wrong on any major claim..being in denial does not mean you are right...And I am not changing the topic..this is a broad topic...hence it touches many areas..the fact that I answered you on EVERY single point proves I am not trying to change the topic..If I wanted to change the topic I would just summarize everything in 1 paragraph

Lets not forget- this is about you claiming that HTC was merely "catching up at best to what ever other OEM did several years ago"
which i proved to you via links and you denied it on no bases

and then changing the subject to all of this nonsense when you got called on that BS claim. You then went on to claim the Galaxy S 2 was equal or better in every spec than the Evo 3D.
Actually I am not the one who started that topic:

That got proven wrong, and you moved on to bench scores. I told you they weren't accurate, and it was a lesser device anyway.
So you claimed they weren't accurate on no bases whatsoever..then claimed the Evo 3d superior then the sensation when benchmarks show them to be withing 10% of each other?

Now your evidence that the Sensation is equal to the Evo 3D is a bunch of tests where the Evo 3D scored higher than the Sensation.
Yes..most benchmarks it wins by like 3%? it could not beat the sensation in any benchmark over 10% where as the SGS2 beat it by almost double...

Sensation is hardly inferior to the Evo 3d...

And this is after you said the sensation was likely running an international ROM with no bloatware, going against a Sprint Stock and boated Evo 3D ROM.
so sense is not bloatware? see why do you instantly assume that all sensations are international..I am pretty sure I told you of an existence of a t-mobile one..the only time that I said the sensation is international is on the Quadrant benchmark in that 1 video..for the 20th time....
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