Originally Posted by gTen
I see you changed your links..anyways..lets get to the point..I am sorry I cant put that as a feature for the Evo3d based on that info..
the thudnerbolt/mytouch 4g cpu has securemsm as well and doesnt do those things:
so while securemsm "might" be it..not enough documentation..so either HTC isnt using it or its not the same..
So don't put it in your personal list of features then, lol. Like I care if you list it as a feature or not. Qualcomm does, Netflix does, and I will have it on my Evo 3D. Like I have said all along, just because you keep saying something doesn't mean it's true. You're on qualcom's website, reading about the features of their Snapdragon chip, and still denying said feature is there. lol, what can I tell you man.