Originally Posted by BlackDynamite
I love how you act like your BS is absolute fact, and when called on the BS, you admit it is BS and then make some lame excuse for why we should use it anyway.
I have never put out anything as facts..I was trying to have a civilized discussion between both of us where we both share our information without trying to bash each other...I make mistakes yes, I make typos yes..but so far I have given proof to support any concrete information I have.
Oh great. So now HTC has to be defying the laws of physics in order to make a device with 25% more RAM perform better. Man, you are just wrong. Period. Again, no matter how many times you say this, it doesn't make it true. Nobody in their right mind would ever say a bloated stock ROM running the latest and most bloated version of Sense would perform the same on 2 devices with a 25% difference in RAM.
Sigh..I guess we gonna have to go down to the basics..If you have 1 gallon of water, and I have 0.75 gallons of water and we poor 0.01 gallons of water at the same rate..who will be faster? Everyone knows sense is bloated..but its not gonna eat up 768mb of ram...
Man, you are a real piece of work. Listen to yourself here.
Me: My car gets better gas mileage, goes faster, is way more reliable, has 4 wheel drive that goes anywhere, is more spacious, handles better, and even turns into a boat at the touch of a button.
You: Mine doesn't do any of that, but it's a Toyota so we'll call it a tie.
Do you want a comparison of Super AMOLED plus to gHD? for reference..have you seen super amoled plus and qHD screens in person?
Not accurately. If the OS doesn't support dual cores, the bench test doesn't either.
you are aware that you dont have to use native android api inside android correct? most top end games actually go around it and try to write native code..smartbench claims they are dual core compatible and they spend months working on improving it..it was was made by a community member on XDA and I'll take his word for it over yours as he seems to be more knowledgeable in that field over both me and you.
Again, you are wrong. I, and many others, will be taking PLENTY of 3D pictures and videos. Millions of 3D tv's are sold every year, and all the biggest and best movies are in 3D. If you aren't on the bandwagon yet, you're getting left behind. At some point you WILL have a 3D tv. It's the next evolution in tv's and within the next couple years, all the new tvs will be 3D. You can't avoid it.
Is that why you have all these people assume that the evo 3d is only improvement is 3d and say "they dont care for it"? 3d tv sales are poor overall...and from what I have seen in CES2011 not one 3d LCD impressed me glasses or glasses free..the ONLY one that impressed me was an LG OLED 3d tv...
So are you implying that the video chats and mirror app will be better because the camera takes a bigger image?Explain to me how the higher MP of the front camera, which will probably never be used for most high quality pictures and videos, is an advantage?
2mp is what you need to get 1080p video...and all the best web video cameras are 2mp...so 2mp is a standard for video conferencing...
So? Two ants is twice the weight of one ant. I guarantee you won't feel the difference. And yet, I still listed it as an advantage for the Samsung Galaxy S 2.
The difference is there..my TP2 weighs 178.5 g (around an evo3d)..my Epic weighs 155g which is more then the SGS2..and FIRST thing I noticed was the weight drop..anyone who bought an Epic can tell you its something you notice A LOT...either way we are in agreement over the weight overall so lets move off this..
I didn't notice you make that claim before. It is listed in the fcc documents. So is NFC support, but the chip is absent (meaning an SD card will work the exact same as a built in NFC).
you know..my Epic has AWS support..its right there...just need a radio and it will work :/
Anyways..I have skimmed over the FCC documentation...I only see 2.4ghz band..nothing on 5ghz..I also do not see any frequency for NFC aka RFID frequency in there :/..can you point me where you found this? cause its not in the FCC documentation...
Just like 3D is all the rave. AT least I gave this an advantage for the Galaxy S 2, unlike you with the Evo 3D's 3D screen and cameras.
I have yet to hear one person say 3d is a must on a phone..I have heard thinness as a must but never 3d...
You are not being accurate again. The performance will diminish the more covered it is, but neither you, nor I, know how an SD card NFC in an Evo 3D will compare to the built in NFC of the Samsung Galaxy S 2. For all we know the SD card will perform better. None the less, I listed it as an advantage for the Samsung Galaxy S.
The company that made it themselves said it wont work...if the creators word is not good enough for you then sorry I dont know what to say...
I am not going to do all of your research for you. You throw these claims out there as fact, make sure you know what you're talking about first. Consider this the only time I do this, but here is a link that should point you in the right direction:
Terms and Conditions: Snapdragon Accessories
Ok..before I start laughing my socks off I want to respond to you seriously..I try my best to find sources to backup the information that I have..sometimes the information may not be up to date hence I correct it...so far you refuse to even put any effort to prove your point and say it is because it is..
ok back to being serious..I want to clarify..I was not laughing at you in any way shape or form..I just found your link funny to my request..let me explain..
snapdragonnj is a online store thats sells jewelry and apparel..as all online stores..they utilize SSL technology..SSL is an encryption mechanism for 2 way communication between server and client. It is made by generating a key and sending it to the client, then the client uses the key to make its own key and sends it back to the server..hence you now established a secure communication.
This is unrelated to hardware encryption which is used for storage and is COMPLETELY unrelated to Qualcomm's Snapdragon...
No, it is NOT a big difference. They both play the same videos in the end. One of them plays them at a considerably higher resolution though.
I guess I'm going to have to explain hardware decode vs software decode..ok here is the difference..in software decoding your CPU/GPU spends its resources decoding video/audio..its so taxing that even old desktop pcs can have issues decoding video software wise...this wastes both cycles and battery life as your CPU is forced to constantly be working in max speed...hardware decode means you have a dedicated chip that handles decoding of video and is specifically designed for decoding video..CPUs and GPUs are not...this allows the cpu/gpu to pretty much idle or underclock itself while this chipset efficiently handles the processing..
Wow, you posted some irrelevant links. Good for you. Not sure why you think I should care about any of those links.
Those links are there to prove the specs I represented for the SGS 2..I am waiting for you to do the same for the Evo 3d..
Both have an MHL port. One of them has full HDMI mirroring on the output though, and has several movie streaming services (Blockbuster, Netflix, Youtibe 3D, HTC Watch). Of course, that would be the Evo 3D.
All of them have that..prob not youtube 3d, but blockbuster, netflix, and media hub all work fine...
if you want to talk about software..which one has VPN software from cisco?
anyways lets not get into software yet..