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Old 06-07-2011, 03:24 PM
Stupid-Ass Skull Cruncha
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Re: Epic 4G replacement?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
I like keyboard phones..aside from me NEEDING them to use RDP..I actually enjoy surfing the web with my epic!...see by sldiing out the keyboard an surfing I have a none obstructive we surfing keyboard less phone can ever replicate this :/..and dont get me wrong..I mostly use the onscreen kb..and prob use the atual kb less then 10% of the time..but that 10% makes SUCH a huge deal the a kb phone is just vital...

I am hoping maybe with SGS2 having USB Host support that someone invents a snapon back cover keyboard..that would be cool...and only way id buy a kbless phone
Originally Posted by testacon View Post
I thought the original post was that the g/f TP2 didn't cut it anymore and they wanted to get another phone. I just stated that lots of things are happening right now and that I prefer to see how buying 20 billion dollars of "not proven" technology will help Sprint fill in the gaps and stay afloat. If the AT&T/TMobile merger is allowed to stick on top of this, then it can be all downhill from here. In the interim, I'm saying just buy a referb'd Epic and wait it out...

I have, however, not seen the coverage gaps quantified as a mere 10% figure but if you look at the before and after maps together on the same screen it seems much larger then that. Where did you get the 10% figure from, just curious?

See above in red... I was just messing with gTen... We have a love hate relationship... Mostly love... But hate is inevitable. LOL.
Sorry to have confused you by not quoting gTen. I know that's a mistake all its own... He's been known to change his threads. LOL.

It's all in good fun bro. I agree... If you Have to have to have a keyboard... look at my previous post you quoted... Get a few and stock them as not much is around the corner.
Good luck either way.
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