Thread: Evo 4g/Evo 3D
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Old 06-07-2011, 02:08 PM
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Re: Evo 4g/Evo 3D

Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
I will skip all the BS about how the bench marks of a Sensation with lower specs should be considered valid. You can say it as many times as you want, it doesn't make it true. the fact is, the Evo 3D WILL bench higher than the Sensation. Period. And another thing, it's not fair to bench a stock Sense ROM. You want accurate bench tests, the absolute LEAST you can do is bench the actual phone you're trying to compare. Not some lesser phone and then try to lie and say the bench will be the same. And in addition to that, use an AOSP ROM, not a freaking stock, bloated ROM.
The SGS2 has TW4.0 and I am sure bloat as ASOP to ASOP will provide a better result yes..but does not justify such high distinction.

As for Evo 3d vs someone who majored in Computer engineering..what your speaking of is IMPOSSIBLE..its not how ram is possible in SSDs as having larger SSD size means more speed. But for RAM what you speak of is not possible...are you going to tell me next that HTC figured out how to defy the laws physics?

Screen: Evo 3D wins in a landslide. Not only is it a much higher resolution, but it's glasses free 3D. To say this is a tie is flat out BS.
I have seen both in CES2011 and I wont call it a win by a landslide...Super AMOLED Plus is better..but I gave it a tie as it boils down to preference...

Processor: Your BS bench marks aside, we don't know which processor is better. The OS they are running on has never supported dual cores. We'll see hwo they do on an OS made to support them.
For 10th bench supports dual cores..

Camera: Evo 3D in a landslide. It shoots 3D videos and pictures. To say this is a tie is more BS.
Ok let me put it to you this you think anyone wil actually take 3d photos? most ppl take photos for facebook and etc..3d becomes useless for that..and as far as video..its a fun thing to play around with but end of the day we both know you and me will be shooting 1080p video over 720p in 3d any date galaxy s 2 has one of the best cellphone cameras..

LED: Evo 3D has dual.
to note I left this as an advantage to the Evo3d but its irrelevant..

FFC: Funny how you said the back camera was unknown, even though the Evo has 2 of them and does 3D, but you call the FFC a win for the Galaxy S 2. This one is the true unknown.
um..ok...galaxy s2 has a 2mp camera thats been used before...Evo3d has same old 1.3mp camera..whats unkown here.. please explain?

Weight: Galaxy S 2 but who cares. A few grams difference won't be anything you notice.
its almost half the weight...

Wifi: Evo 3D does 5Ghz Wifi. You putingt this as a win for the Galaxy S2 is more BS.
since when? I found 0 inidcations of Evo3d having 5ghz and sensation doesnt where do you base this from? you also didnt argue with it when i posted it originally as evo3d having only 2.4ghz..why now?

Thickness: galaxy S2 but who cares. A couple mm isn't something you will notice.
its a pretty big difference..and thin is all the rave these days...I personally dont care..I mean I use a kb phone..but A LOT of people do care..

NFC: Galaxy S2. Who cares? Nobody uses NFC right now anyway, and if you want it you can get an SD card.
a lot NY our public transportation has NFC support and a lot of places do for SD only works if its not in a metal sd cover aka all phones are in metal sd covers..and will you really put your credit card to a Chinese based company?

Hardware encryption: The Evo 3D has hardware encryption. More BS that you put this as a win for the Galaxy S2.
I have not found info to support this..I asked you earlier if you can and you didnt..until you can provide me proof that it does it doesnt have it for records sake..

Codecs: Again, more BS that you would put codecs as an advantage. You can install whatever codec you want on the Evo 3D.
you do realize we were talking about hardware..not software right? aka this is HARDWARE decode of codecs..not software decode...BIG difference..

So cutting through all of your BS and false claims, the real numbers (on the stuff you posted) would be Evo 3D: 4, Galaxy S2: 3 (and that is counting NFC, which can be added to the Evo 3D), Unknown or tie: 4 just made up half the stuff with no evidence to support it..

to make it easier ill sow you where I got my you have to provide equivalents..k?

Samsung Galaxy S II hits the FCC, potentially ready for AT&T 3G -- Engadget

I have accounted for all the specs..

Now, lets talk about the full HDMI device output, the HTC Watch movie service, and the youtube 3D app.
both have the MHL port...or you want to do a software comparison?
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Last edited by gTen; 06-07-2011 at 02:22 PM.
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