Originally Posted by cruise350
OK, so I installed the rooted OTA on top of Sprint Lovers and I am trying to find some of the apks or zips for some of the Sprint Lovers enhancements. Specifically, looking for the colored taskbar icons, battery percentage mod, and the quick icons from the pull down menu. These are the only things that seem to be missing after the update. Since the GB update still uses sense 1.0 I was thinking these enhancements may still work. If anyone can upload the apk or flashable zips or post a link I will try them out and report back.
did the update add back in the sprint junk apps that some of us might have removed? how exactly did you install it over top? also if you find the apk files for the enhancements, let us know.. I havent gone to GB yet because I hear a lot of things arent working such as voicemail notifications sticking etc...