Originally Posted by gTen
Wait..are you trying to compare a 2nd gen 1.2ghz snapdragon with an adreno 205 to a 1st gen 1ghz snapdragon with an Adreno 200 and call it a ram thing?
No, I thought you said the Thunderbolt and Evo benched the same despite their RAM differences. I now see that you said the Incredible. I'm wondering what you were talking about since both have 512 MB of RAM?
Originally Posted by gTen
its obvious 1.3mb is not the only process running..but other processes running only bottle neck the benchmark by utilizing the CPU/GPU or accessing the ram..the quantity of ram is irrelevant as long as enough is free to run the app and the necessary android processes.
Man if you could hear yourself... So the quantity of RAm is irrelevant as long as there is enough to make it not relevant. lol I will say this again. the Evo 3D will bench higher than the Sensation, because RAM absolutely DOES matter, especially on a Sense ROM, with all the stock bloatware.
Originally Posted by gTen
I showed you that video..the reason for what you saw was Quadrant..what happens is the video was skipping frames hence finished faster...it didnt render all the frames..and got a lower score because it couldnt match the sgs 2 on its 60fps...and sensation and evo 3d will bench around the same +/- margin of error.
Again, it is common sense that qhd will have a lower fps than wvga. What next, you tell me that a 13 inch 1080p tv has a higher pixel density than a 65 inch 1080p tv? Don't point to a test that is based on fps as evidence of a higher bench. Maybe I care more about the resolution- which the Galaxy S 2 isn't even in the same ballpark as the Evo 3D in that regard. Just like I care more about the size of a 65 inch tv than I do about the pixel density on a 13 inch tv.
Originally Posted by gTen
They werent the same...I only presented preliminary date of my research..that said Tegra 2 is a SoC similar to the snapdragon..aka they msot liekly had same motherboards, same processor and etc...the benchmark results were just too close accross multiple devices to call it a coincidence..anyways..if you want we can drop this point..as I said before its preliminary data..
Well it was never a valid point in the first place so yes, feel free to drop it. You can't possibly describe the performance of an Evo 3D based on how a totally different phone compared to yet another totally different phone.
Originally Posted by gTen
I am not arguing with that..I am arguing about smartbenches ability as a benchmark to account for that...my goal originally was to od a calculation of % wise the difference between a qhd and a wvga using the same SoC and used the Tegra 2 as its only one atm that fits the bill and found results similar..
Then your entire point is invalid. If you agree that the higher resolution of the Evo 3D will absolutely influence the results, then these tests can be thrown right out the window. I don't care what a Tegra 2 phone did. Neither of these phones is a Tegra 2 phone so it has absolutely no bearing on what we can expect from an Evo 3D or a Samsung Galaxy S 2.
Originally Posted by gTen
Your talking about quadrant and linpack..in comparison smartbench is a much better benchmark...smartbench unlike quadrant uses both cores, wvga and qhd has no effect on productivity score, thats gaming score...again sensation will benchmark the same..look up htc incredible and htc evo and you will see..
HTC Incredible and Evo 4G both have 512MB of RAM. Yes, I would assume that with identical processor, RAM, resolution, and software, benches should be similar. Not sure what that has to do with the Evo 3D, the Sensation, and the galaxy S 2 though.
Originally Posted by gTen
We can wait till it comes out I dont mind, but the results will be the same..you cant change reality with delusion..
Says the guy posting all kinds of BS claims all through this thread. Remember- you are the one who Samsung always has the best specs on their phones. When I pointed out the Evo 3D is better than any Samsung phone even announced, you said the Galaxy S 2 was equal or better in every spec. You also said HTC was merely catching up to what every other manufacturer had done several years ago. And when I called you on all this BS, all I got was a bunch of excuses, a bunch of blatantly false claims, and plenty of subject changes. You are here telling me RAM doesn't make a difference in performance, lol. And you cite as evidence two nearly identical phones having similar performance. lol