Thread: Evo 4g/Evo 3D
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Old 06-07-2011, 02:39 AM
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Re: Evo 4g/Evo 3D

Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
Wait, are you talking about a video card with 512 MB of RAM versus a video card with 1GB of RAM? Because that is a totally different scenario. We are talking about a netbook with 512 MB of RAM total (in your example, but actually 768 MB in real life), versus a netbook with 1 GB of RAM total. And you can be sure you WILL see a pretty significant performance increase in the netbook that has 25% more RAM. It's not a matter of "the game" taking more than 512 MB of RAM. It's a matter of how much RAM is left for "the game" after Sense, Android, Sprint bloatware, HTC bloatware, and whatever else is running in the background. And even if there is still RAM left, that doesn't mean Sense won't run better with even more RAM. Maybe Sense sees there is not enough RAM to run everything so certain parts are automatically disabled, but it would leave them running (resulting in faster performance) if there was more RAM. Seriously, to say you won't see a performance increase on a stock ROM with 25% more RAM is not true at all.
The slowdown happens on a netbook when you go over your ram usage and start using pagepool, also pc ram is a bad example as if you have dual channel memory your better off having 2x512mb chips then a 512mb+256mb chip(this does not apply to cellphones yet though)..the sensation in the review could only have been an international model so no bloat-ware from manufacturer at the very much ram free is irrelevant..this isn't long as there is enough ram to run the process thats more then enough..

Anyways on android when you run an app it allocates a certain amount of memory for that app..once the memory is allocated it belongs to that app and that app no matter how much memory is used outside the allocation is irrelevant..this isn't winmo..the only thing that has an effect is access to the ram and cpu cycles...both are unaffected by the amount of ram..

So yes..sense definitely effects the benchmark..but more or less ram is irrelevant unless the ram is faster or in dual channel...which I doubt is the case..

You can't say fps has a major affect on benchmarks and then later say resolution does not. That doesn't even make sense. Resolution is every bit as big of an impact on benchmarks as fps.
we were comparing 2 different benchmarks..I am nto changing my statement..I just said I looked at Smartbench results of gHD and wvga Tegra 2 phones as atm they are the only ones that come with qHD and Wvga variants..and I see no indication of it making a difference..hence either tegra 2 is rescaling or smartbench calculates ACCOUNTING to the resolution...

What you showed was Quadrant..different benchmark...each benchmark is unique in its calculation formula..I know 100% quadrant is effected by resolution..we are talking about smartbench here now..
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