Originally Posted by gjhuff
Thanks Darren. This would be a good thread to keep open as developments occur. At this point, I'm not going with Windows Phone 7 in its locked down mode. Maybe Mango and other developments will encourage another look.
I'm curious though about Microsoft's strategy. From what I'm reading and seeing about Windows 8 for desktops and laptops, MS will be incorporating some of Zune's and Phone 7's features into the OS, but retaining what users like about Win 7 and earlier versions. Backward compatibility is assured. I wish MS had done the same with Phone 7.
Sometimes you gotta cut your losses and anything lower than wp7 was slow and unresponsive. I really like the speed of this and I am afraid that adding backwards compatibility will make this operating system as slow as the one I left in the past. New apps are good. Thing is WP7 is way too locked down and missing some extremely important features that were standard years ago. I'll wait and see what mango has to offer but I am still enjoying the responsiveness of the phone which is something that wasn't possible on my Mogul, Touch Pro or Touch Pro 2 no matter who's rom was used or how much they were overclocked.