Originally Posted by arrrghhh
I don't think I've ever heard of that. The stock RIL in FRX06 isn't so great tho, so perhaps the new test RIL will help solve your woes...
I haven't been on the stock RIL in forever, but I can honestly say that never happened to me on the stock RIL either. If I had no service, it would say "No Service" or "Searching for Service" - usually after one of those annoying resets within Android. I don't think I've ever had it say "Sprint" when in fact I had no service.
I guess one other question - is there an X or an Airplane symbol over the signal strength? Or are signal bars just 'empty'?
Nope, there's no X or Airplane symbol over the signal strength. The bars are just plain empty, but it still says Sprint. Weird huh?