Originally Posted by gTen
you can do that..but it may be easier to just flash the ext4 conversion script as supports both EXT4 and RFS...
So Instructions would be to change rfs to ext4 and flash new ext4 rom.
1. Boot into CWM
2. (do I have to wipe cache 3x?)
3. flash zip from sd card
RFS2EXT4.zip (from here:
Rfs2Ext4 and Ext42Rfs CWM 3.0.25 flashable zips - xda-developers)
4. if I flash the conversion script rfs2ext4 then I shouldn't reboot right because the swiss cheese rom is rfs? What will happen to my phone? Stuck in a boot loop or brick it?
5. (do I have to wipe cache 3x)
6. Flash New ext4 rom
7. Reboot from CWM
Should I at any point should do a factory reset from CWM? Should I do that when flashing between roms like we did in winmo?
Side note: What is the purpose of wiping data 3x? When should I do it flashing themes roms?
Whats the alternative to just flash the new ext4 rom? Odin to stock?
Whats stock is that rfs or ext4? and if gingerbread and the stock rom are both rfs why can't I just Go into CWM do a factory reset and/or wipe data 3x and flash the new rom which is ext4?
Wont CWM convert the phone from rfs to ext4?
Odin is the only one that can flash "unofficial" modems..BUT you can use odin to flash roms and kernels and etc...Odin is geenrally used to flash modems and return to stock...but its well capable of doing everything...
THe Odin im using ODIN V1.3 says pda then when you go to select a file it has to be a certain extension. It doesn't have the option for zip files.
I know it doesn't seem like it but Im making serious progress with android. Im not so intimidated anymore but progressed to cautious.
Thanks again!