Thanks again Poy for this great update (094)!! I love the direction in which "tweaks" is headed..making easy switching of skins for most cht items, all with a simple png! You're a genius when it comes to this stuff!!
@ everyone.. When helping poy with the xmu, I added scripts to give the option to skin cht tweaks. I've attached below the images to a skin I made to go with the new xmu. The only thing with using the skin is that all xmu's on your device will also be changed alil..for example it'll skin the arrows(pivot_leftarrow.png, pivot_rightarrow.png), the separator(bg_common_divider_section.png), and the dotted line (bg_common_dotline.png) of any widget settings menus on your device (examples..simclock3, rss reader, notes widget,etc..). If any of you are wondering why this will happen it's because those 4 files I listed above are JML Menu sense program files.
I made a cab for easy installation of my skin and also attached a zip containing the files used. If you download the zip..copy the contents of the vga folder to ProgramFiles/JMLMenuSense/resources/VGA and the contents of windows to your windows folder. Then simply run cht tweaks and enjoy your new skin!!