I still have mine... but is dead already
here's my story
I bought it from BestBuy for around $215... I never bought a cover for it... fell many times... got scratched... and finally screen cracked... still kept on living... then i lost usb data.. I had to move the usb around in the socket till it connected... finally one day the whole socket broke so I opened the EVO and couldn't solder the socket... so I created my own charger socket by finding a negative and +5v that I could solder some wires...
A month later(a week ago) my poor EVO died.. I gave up on it but quickly bought a used one for $150... its the white one and its back on business running Android 2.3.4 =D
basically there wasn't any other phone I would turn my eyes on =D
I also noticed that after a month from launch day the power button became harder to press