Originally Posted by yankees45us
So this latest update includes the brightness bug fix?
Originally Posted by Vancer
Jayhuff and all others ...
Mik replied several times on xda that his kernel fix absolutely works on his rom and stock based roms ... said something about the lib and system ... some chefs move the libs which he doesn't and that's why the kernel doesn't work for some ppl trying to flash it on other roms . This means that it absolutely works on OMJ's as well ! (doesn't matter to me as I have nova screen)
So if any are running MisFit or Leo's etc... and then posting that it borks ur 4G and WiFi u are misleading ppl in reference to OMJ's rom ... Not saying anybody is doing that I'm just throwing it out there for knowledge AND just mentioned those two devs for example only as I don't know how they have their roms structured
Hope that sheds some light and re-assures some about OMJ's rom
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yep, some chefs move the libs to /data, then symlink them back to system....so it depends on the base rom.....all good here
Originally Posted by Qcom
Hi! Not a huge poster, and I really like this rom, I just have one small problem. The menu lists text in apps are smaller then the rest of the system. I'm not sure if this is a DPI change or a font size change. I tried changing the font size in spare parts but that made everything weird then the DPI using LCD Density and that didn't seem to fix it, and the sudden change from regular to small kills my eyes. Any way to change it back to stock size? Thanks!
I'll have to look into this
Originally Posted by Vancer
Been running the Haus stock rooted half the day to to see what stock was all about and check some things ... Now trying to get 1.6 downloaded in the hotel so I can run this bad boy! ... Damn! Why do I have to be on the road today!
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
so what did ya think about the new OTA? just curious
Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy
Just flashed, it froze after flash but did a battery pull and all is good. This rom is solid so far. Brightness fixed as well as led notifications on handcent. Loving the new lock screens (weather) as well.
froze on me 2.....no big deal