Thread: Evo 4g/Evo 3D
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Old 06-04-2011, 09:10 AM
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Re: Evo 4g/Evo 3D

Originally Posted by BlackDynamite View Post
I don't think it would have been locked. I think the necessary hboot would have "leaked" like it always has.
IT doesnt matter if someone poisons you then gives you a cure..doesn't change the fact that it was poisoned to begin with..wither way its irrevelant now..we shall see how it goes..

Not sure if you really don't know what you're talking about or if you are intentionally misrepresenting the facts here. In any case, HTC did a lot more than allow widgets to be created for Sense. People have been creating widgets for sense for years. That is nothing new. HTC is basically partnering with the dev community.

So show me Samsung's equivalent of this:
HTCdev - Development Center

If Samsung did this 2 years ago, it should be pretty easy to find...
Ok..first of all lets clear something up..

1) The OpenSense SDK is exactly that..just widgets that have access to also allows apps to get access as well which before required dev to make a widget + app..but effectively same thing...HTC allowed to make widgets but there was no SDK for it...

2) There is an equivalent for that functionality in LG's Real 3d SDK..

LG Mobile Developer Network

3) Now..most importantly..lets clear something up..the "dev community" this appeals to is not US..its the dev community that makes apps in the US, anything short of having source code to HTC Sense is useless..making this "Open Sense SDK" or the "TouchWiz SDK" is not a step forward for us..its a step backwards..simply because it locks you down to using HTC or Samsung devices ONLY...This is in no way a good thing for US as a community..
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