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Old 03-10-2008, 07:37 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair cen

Originally Posted by afx View Post
This is what irkes me about some people on this board.

Just because your a sprint tech or rep does not mean your a Sprint Mogul rep. You dont have to know the latest about the phones, especially a leaked rom or a down to the minute firmware release.

Now I bet all you would have had to do is show them the sprint page or even engadget showing the update, but I bet you shot your mouth off to look smart and thats what got you in your predicament, it turned into a pissing contest on both your sides instead of getting your phone fixed.
tottally agree
WTF is wrong with you guys for one did you set up your sero plan at the store? I highly doubt it, they aren't even suppose to talk to you about it at my local store because they officially aren't suppose to touch those accounts. The Rom came out a few hours ago and you want them to know about it wow you must expect everyone to be like you and have no life and just be clicking the refresh button over and over again. And asking for credit for something like this I bet you would are the type that sue for spill hot coffee on yourself.

Anyone that has done customer service knows thats its not the easiest job (dealing with angry people all day) and then you have people that want you to know everything about everything.....
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