Originally Posted by eu0741924381
I found in XDAndroid code that all GSM devices should be using "smd7" but i believe that we are already doing that ,don't we?
I also found out that changing "#if0" to "#if1" and the correspondent "else" in ril.cpp solved this problem on 0Xdroid and their radio logs looked just like mine...
My pc broke so i can't test that to see if it works... So can anyone have a look on that please? 
I tried out the hack you had in post#2558, i.e.:
"modifying sysinit.rc and removing " -- -d /dev/smd0" from:
service ril-daemon /system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/libhtcgeneric-ril.so -- -d"
I still get a crash at the same place when I do a 'fastboot boot boot.img':
i.e. an error message that included 'rild uses 32 bit capabilities (legacy support)..... SMD: Ch 0 opening' .... or something similar, shortly before the phone reboots. I never have gotten to see the Operating System in action.
I've got no experience with pre-compiled source code, so modifying cpp files is beyond me. Thanks for your continued interest,
A fellow (baffled) GSM rhod100 user.