Originally Posted by bigboy292000
You do whatever works for you but - I do want to say something about "good" hardware (alluding that Trophy is not)...
It is not a LTE device, sure...
It IS a good, actually great device. It has many good things going for it; it runs WP7 (and will run Mango) with ease and is a joy to use. It is not too big (I think HD7 is) and fits very nicely in the hand. It is solidly built (unlike cheap plastic feel of Focus for example) and it is not too heavy.
The bad: it has a so-so screen, but it is not bad actually, it is just not latest and greatest. Only 1300 mah battery? Hmmm... it still does a day duty for me, with wireless and location on. The camera is okay, but not great.
But - it is on VZW network which is a #1 feature I ask of the phone.
For me, BTW, LTE is not something I care for, as I don't need to be paying that much for data! You sure you want to go there?
I don't doubt that the Trophy is a good device as WP7's minimum specs are pretty well, but I kinda want a phone with a nice keyboard (like the TP2). I'd definitely get a TP2 if I could get it without data, but if I'm going to get a data plan, I'd rather have a newer, better phone.
That said, I thought LTE service on VZW was the same as regular data service? I thought I saw once on an add that data for the Thunderbolt was only $30/month (*same as regular data). Anyway, VZW's dropping unlimited data, so hopefully the pricing will go down a little and 4G stays the same.
As for my justification for getting an LTE device...
1) I'll be paying for data, might as well be paying for the best (esp. if the price is the same)
2) I'll have this phone for two years at least; I want to "future-proof" my phone as best I can
3) VZW's LTE network is actually expanding rather quickly and there is a great chance that I will be covered within a year, let alone two
p.s. WP7 is looking even more pretty to me now that my Vogue is acting up... grrr...
*just verified this, and the current data plan pricing for 3G and 4G phones is the same - $29.99/month; one would presume (and hope) that the equal pricing would remain when they move to tiered data, but that is unforseeable.