Originally Posted by DavidinCT
Welcome to the thread ! Enjoy your trophy
Thanks! I have been lurking around in this thread trying to find information about the Trophy prior to its release.
I am upgrading from an Imagio with NRG ROM and the first thing I notice aside from the physical reduction in weight is that it is more responsive. I am also new to WP7, I am still not sure if I like the tiles, but HTC Hub is preinstalled so I can get back to the HTC look if I really don't dig the tiles.
A couple of nagging things that never worked reliably on the Imagio work great so far: Screen rotation and Youtube. I am pleased with both.
The onscreen keyboard seems to work better than the Imagio (for me). The Imagio was my first on-screen keyboard and I thought I was too fat-fingered to get the hang of it. I had a hard time hitting the right keys and clicking hyperlinks. In general I never could fully use the Imagio without a stylus. The Trophy is very smooth. Typing, hitting hot links, navigating all work much better, and my fingers haven't changed.
I am very pleased so far. If it had more than 16G of storage I would seriously consider using it as my PMP.
Sorry for so much comparison to the Imagio, but it is my current frame of reference.