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Old 05-26-2011, 10:24 PM
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Re: NAND Testing - 05-25 Update: New LK, Recovery.img, Kernel Updates through Recover

Originally Posted by cris11368 View Post
Any reason the LED next to the earpiece is always on and orange?

Also the END Call and power keys seem to be reversed for some reason. A long press of the End key brings up the Airplane/Silent/Power Off prompt, long press of power key brings up recent apps.

Also data isnt working for me even though 10 Minutes before flashing it was working in WM6.5. Ive rebooted a few times. Unless there something special I need to do?
Uhm... You haven't read anything on NAND have you.

The LED is handled differently (read - incorrectly, one of the many 'things to fix'). The power button is home and the end key is power in NAND. So that behavior is expected with long press.

Not sure on data, but based on your other questions you're not ready for NAND yet. Or perhaps NAND isn't ready for you, but either way let it mature a little more.
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