s2u help for a newb please
first off i wanna say thanks for making and participating in such a great forum. you guys have alot of great input! i just hope someday i can offer some input as well.
okay, here is my problem....i have the touch and i always seem to be accidentally calling people when the touch in my pocket. i accidentally called the gf yesterday, and nearly got in deep trouble with her. i have seen alot of people talk about the slide2unlock or s2u2, but i haven't been able to find it. i've looked thru the enitre vogue forum and i've even used the search tab, but i have been unsuccessful in doing so, when i do use the search to explore for it, it gives posts to iphone or rom upgrades. could someone post a link or show me how to get there i would appreciate so much, and thank you in advance.
another minor problem i've been having is that everytime i talk on the touch, it seems like i am always activating the camera album or the camera. are you guys having the same problem as well? it gets a lil annoying.
Again, thanks for being part of a great site everyone! i've really enjoyed viewing all the great info thats been posted on this site.