Re: Any better SERO phones than TP2 coming out?
I have Sero 500 (also you can switch between the 3 Sero Plans on Whim if you need more minutes for whatever reason) and have a new HTC Arrive WP7. All you do is pay $10 more a month. (So $40 now) and get pretty much a unlimited plan. Unlimited Mobile to Any Mobile (any Carrier), GPS Nav (Telinav is great on WP7 since Bing Doesn't have Voice Guidance till Mango, not a big deal), and a few other Premium perks.
For the price it is completely worth it. IF you have any trouble with the people at the store, call up the Sero customer support (just *2 it) and have them work it out for you. The Sero Support people are awesome and really get things done great every time I have talked to them. The only thing they couldn't do was move my phone upgrade up a few months so I just bought the Arrive outright. Bit pricy but the phone is definitely worth it. The only thing I kinda miss (but don't use too often for now) is Tethering but Mango will also be bringing that so there is little reason to stick with WM6.X unless you have some work/personal critical apps that are not on WP7 yet.
I loved WM, but the hardware held it back to the point that using it is agonizingly slow vs the new WP7 with a 1Ghz Snapper. I still have my old TP2 around for backup/travel if need be, but for now the Arrive is the phone to have on Sprint if your not going 4G/Android just yet.
Also take note that going 4G on Sero is just another $10 on top of the Premium (So $50 total, still a good deal IMO) I had the Evo 4G for a month in November for a special event and to just overall try the phone out. Awesome device, but Android just feels unfinished in any form I have played with. I have my TP2 and a Nook Color to tinker with it, but WP7 also does feel more refined and finished even at ver 1.0. And 4G Phones are also coming for WP7 around Mango release.
Phone History with Sprint: Samsung N400 (Lockup King) - Toshiba VM4050 (Great Screen. No BT) - PPC6700 (Squishy Touchscreen) - Mogul (USB Port No More) - Touch Pro (Davy Jones Locker) - Touch Pro 2 (Oldie But Goodie) - HTC Arrive (I<3WP) : History of Pocket PC's: Dell Axim X50V WM6.5.3 (Still the best VGA PDA gaming and multimedia device since 2004) ![headbang](