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Old 05-23-2011, 11:24 PM
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Re: [SIM-UNLOCKER] - -RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlo

Originally Posted by twolostminds View Post
Hey all,
Is this still up and running? I read the thread and followed the instructions for submitting a pre-sales question via the htc-unlocks ticket system back on 3/28 and still haven't received a response. It's kind of disheartening.

sorry, the "pre-sales" was the issue, fixed now + I replied to your PM too
Main device: Athena (x7500)

Other devices: Shift, Kaiser, Diamond (GSM version), Universals (Qtek 9000, Vodafone VPA IV) + non HTC ones.

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