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Old 05-23-2011, 12:05 PM
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Re: 4-24-11-SharkieROM X CE ROMs Up!★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
The RSS Feed on the Home screen was only cooked into the X version. If you're on version 5.0, it's not cooked in the ROM. You can install the cab yourself. Search for resizable RSS Reader and that should pull up the XDA link.

Thanks ModMyPPC

So in 5.1 news, I've got Facebook working properly now, or as properly as it can be. Updated moTweets, Total Commander and UC Web (Thanks KJ). I'm going to leave the Twitter Tab in the ROM since I'm sure some of you have save your necessary regedits in order to make it work. For those, like myself, that have not, you can just disable the tab and roll with moTweets. Added ClearTemp and Auto-Loudspeaker. Thinking about adding Palringo, since it seems to be the easiest way to use G-Chat on our phones. What do you guys think about adding Palringo?
For clear temp make sure you set one of the custom files to Youtube. I just cleared out 8 mb. Dam youtube cache.

As far as Parlingo I dont use any Im chats. Please try to keep the available internal storage high... And dont stuff it with softwear that we only use once every 3 months.

You make it easy to uninstall softwear that we dont use but there are somethings that you cook into the rom that we cannot delete. Like the actual cab in the windows directory. Dont get me wrong sharkie Im very satisfied with your roms but use your own judgement and try not to get to influenced on what individual users want in the rom. If you think its necessary to use the interanal space then I will trust your judgement. Its just after I add a few of my individual cabs I get low on internal memory and I have to disable start menu and make a few other tweaks to preserve storage space.

What is auto loudspeaker? does it effect incall speaker or out of call speaker. Or is it something completly different
Please PM me if you have a sero plan to sell with 1000 mins or more

Last edited by ModmyPPC; 05-23-2011 at 12:12 PM.
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