Hey all. Been a while since my last release of anything, which was sense based, but I really wanted to start learning android and have a better perspective of it. I decided to dig a bit more into compiling android. Started horsing around with github and learned to start compiling my own builds from aosp wih the help from cmsrc, evervolv, and a few others githubs. Since the release of gingerbread to aosp, i moved away from sense. There are things that i do miss about sense, but the usability of the phone without it is just unmatched imho. Many people use or have used cyanogenmod. IMHO is a great open source project that has some of the best devs out there. I have always been more into the 'vanilla' look opposed to the themed and aftermarket. Recently i have been compiling gingerbread for the evo and mt4g and have had nothing but the best reviews. Basically the reason why i am here. Wondering if there was any interest in a few of my builds. Main reason from moving away from CM6/7 (cyanogenmod), ADW launcher and the extra added bloat(sorry) and themes. Battery life will always be one of my main concerns. Everything should work!

1.3 build is based off 2.3.7. (Thanks cm team) and cm kernel
2.6.35 (thanks cm team).
1.2.1 build is based off 2.3.4. (Thanks cm team) and cm kernel
2.6.35 (thanks cm team).
*!* By downloading any files, ROMs, and or apks, you verify that you have the appropriate licenses for all software contained within *!*
l assume no responsibility for any damage you may cause to your phone.
Special Thanks to: CyanogenMod Team, and Team Win, where most of the source came from, preludedrew and evervolv team, which helped me tremendously get my feet off he ground with android. And the originals, Calkulin, No2Chem, GGuruUSA, Colonel00, Conflipper, AstainHellbring, LennySH, NexVision, CLHatch, Chainfire, JooJooBee666, and Polargoat for putting up with me for many years and always helping me out.
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For updates, news, and my gibber jabber, please follow me @kushdeck on twitter..
We now have an irc channel. Please join us @ #gingerbread-deck on freenode..
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gingerbread shift 1.3 Stable
Gapps 8-28-2011
Gapps 8-28-2011 with Voicemail
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*Install Instructions*
1. Reboot into recovery.
2. *optional* make a nandroid backup.
3. Wipe Everything.
4. Flash gingerbread rom zip.
6. Flash gapps zip.
6a. Flash Kernel *if you are using a custom kernel*
7. Reboot.
8. Enjoy gingerbread!