Re: Vista Cube 2.0
Hi folks,
First off, thanks for this great application, and especially all the great work by polen. I installed the application over the weekend, and it works great on my Bell CDMA phone. I had to change a few of the paths, and thanks for the step by step on how to change and correct some of those paths.
I’ve been trying to figure out a few things that I’ve had some trouble with, and I haven’t been able to find the answer in this thread.
First, I’m trying to create a path for the You Tube links I have, from the Flash Video / TCPMP bundle. It’s the IE link that opens directly to that site with all the various Youtube and other video sites. How do I label the path to open the file? I tried \Program Files\TCPMP\sites\videosites.lnk but that doesn’t seem to work. When I go thru File explorer and click on that file it opens up the page though…am I doing something wrong in the labeling?
On the same note as the question above, using Spunks icons set, he’s got an icon for PPCGeeks, so how would I set up an the file to open up IE to PPC as well?
Second question, is there a way to change the Mail Link to open up my Yahoo Email which I’ve setup instead of the default Outlook? Tried a few different things, no luck yet.
I apologize if these have been answered before, I tried to search with no avail.