Originally Posted by mooseman2
YAY! Finally got the keyboard working! Here are all the steps I did:
- Task29
- loaded stock ROM
- loaded Energy ROM
- hard reset (once using clear storage and once with buttons)
- soft reset
I did these as I was reading past posts and I believe that the last two steps were the ones that fixed it but the task29 is a good thing to do regardless between ROM flashes to ensure a clean flash.
Thanks to all for your assistance and NRGZ28 for the ROMs! We're still enjoying our phones and resisting to go to the dark side 
Tried doing this method but when I load sprint stock ROM it gets stuck at the "touch pro" logo screen. I tried loading the NBH files extracted from the exe in the stock rom sticky page. Did you use a different stock rom? If I flash to Energy after Task 29 it seems to work fine. But without flashing stock first, keyboard still doesn't work. Thanks.
EDIT: NM - I was using the RUU files from the Task 29 and replacing the RUU_signed.nbh with the stock 'RUU_signed.nbh'. Guess that's a no-no. I downloaded the RUU from the stock romm sticky page and now it seems to work. Flashing as we speak so hopefully keyboard works.
EDIT 2: Worked! Thanks for the steps mooseman!