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Old 05-17-2011, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by [ACL
Originally Posted by bickelk View Post
I just want to know where the lastest files that work with CDMA TP2's are located. Would like to get the newest build running to test out and help you guys.

Also I know there have been changes going from Tinboot to LK so what is the current install procedure?
Finally got a test worthy build using LK. Its been brutal the last few weeks. Nate is so busy at work, lmiller and i been chatting daily just trying to work on this during work We recently included arrrggg to help with the organisation since we just been all over the place.

Anyway I'll release some links tonight. They are always on the nand autobuild server but i'm trying to get an official LK up since the LK up there now is based on my home build but i want all of us to use the same autobuild version since its cleaner.

We will cook up some instructions as well. its easier in my opinion since we dont have custom scripts anymore to do the dirty work. its all using the recovery.
And I am still around as well. Just don't have a working rhodium anymore. Work has been insane, but I'm trying to keep tabs on development and will update the first post as stable releases are ready
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