Originally Posted by Joe Bleau
Why post in this Android thread a plug for NRG's WM ROM? Several users of that version of 2920 actually reported that they had to lower the OC MHz compared to previous versions. See the NRGZ28's Rhodium thread on XDA.
I am actually somewhat obsessed by this OC issue and it turns out that after about 2 days of testing I wind up with exactly the same maximum OC speed in Android as in the new WiMo ROM...
I am avoiding buying a new phone and want this puppy to run as fast as possible given the competition of phones with Ghz processors.
I am also trying to divert attention from the poor developers over here so they can develop in peace
Sprint: G1000, HTC-6600, 6800, TP2 now Optimus S with Stock Android 2.2.2.