Originally Posted by info[]box1
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system update will more than likely address the desired.
here's what i posted at xda a few mins ago:
I really didn't think i had this issue til yesterday. Where i used to have a bar of 3G with my my epic, i now have a bar or 2 1x with my NS4G. I used to have 1 bar 4G at work with my Epic, now I can't get it to connect from sitting at my desk.
IMPORTANT HERE: My phone died at 6pm yesterday, i left it off and charged it til 8pm. WELL, my boss sent me a text message during those 2 hours telling me to come into work today a couple hours early... never got the message when i turned my phone back on (and i came in late for work today). When my boss didn't believe me, i turned my phone off, had him send me a text, waited a couple mins then turned my phone back on, and what do ya know, didn't get the message. This is a problem, cuz with my Epic I would recieve any messages sent to me when i turned my phone back on.
I really hope these are radio issues that will be released in an update near in the future.
I know we have 30days or something to return our phones, but I'm gunna hold out, i have faith there will be an update coming fixing some of these quirks.