Re: Simple Guide, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): ANDROID TP2 DL links, 3/25 FRX06, GingerBre
this has probably been asked before, but i need help
i'm running frx06 on my tilt2,
somewhere on the xda developers forum i read about wireless
and how adding something like wifi-nvram.txt would get my wifi going
but for the life of me I can't find the next step on my phone, which is finding "Dev Tools within Android on your phone and select Terminal Emulator"
so I ask you good guys here, WHERE THE HECK IS IT? please somebody help me!!!!!
Never mind, I'm such a noob at android, that couldn't see the answer infront of me "emulator"
Last edited by latinohot; 05-17-2011 at 01:09 AM.
Reason: i found my answer