Originally Posted by bonsaicommando
I dont think you will hear anything else..phones will start showing up in pics after the 19th STOCK date and announcements will be made at the press event.. a microsoft press event yet still no mention in print from big red...but the tiles in the press release are very deliberately red-thats ms throwing us a bone..Every page that was leaked then pulled last week, was done so intentially ..
The press event has to be (new) phones running mango.(I bet the hd7s is in there too) at least one from vzw...maybe the pro too? i mean vzw hasnt announced anything on anything so we dont know anything for sure except whatever is to be launched on the 24th has red tiles and looks a lot like a trophy and that came from ms -they want(need really) our buisness...big red has our buisness-they know worst case scenario youll buy an Iph0n3 and have the same service plan anyway: for big red to spend money advertising m$ wares is laughable and probably against their aple contract anyway. Lets hope this ends on the 26th.
What press event are you talking about ? Verizon just gives me "Very soon" (exact quote from about 10 min ago).
Still sick of this shit...