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Old 05-15-2011, 03:19 AM
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Re: The official "when's it coming out?" thread

I didn't see anything from Google I/O about the release date... did anyone else? I was hoping it'd be announced, or mentioned.

All I saw was the S3D development kit HTC and Sprint are releasing for developers to create 3D content, and that a trial, or "pre-trial," of Spiderman 3D will come loaded on the phone.

I did see an article saying we can pre-order from Sprint now, and get a $50 gift card, just like the Best Buy pre-order.

FROM: Good and EVO | Everything HTC EVO 4G, HTC EVO 3D, & HTC EVO View 4G

Sprint quietly taking HTC EVO 3D preorders


Not to be outdone by Best Buy's covert HTC EVO 3D pre-sale, Sprint is now letting you reserve the new phone in exchange for the purchase of a $50 gift card that can then be applied to the total on launch day. All you have to do is ask.

The "deposit" will get your name and number on an unadvertised wait list (I was the first one on it at my local Sprint store), which generally guarantees that you'll get the device the day it's released. Exactly when that day is is still up for debate, but the rep I spoke to this afternoon said that those on the list will either be called the day before the phone arrives or the morning it goes on sale. So if you're hoping to find out when the big day is before anyone else, preordering from Sprint probably isn't the way to go.

I have a preorder in at Best Buy too and am thinking that I might just buy two of them on launch day. G&E needs to give away a phone at least once, right?

Thanks, Alex!

Posted by Jenn K. Lee at 1:20 PM | Comments (6)

Last edited by draghn; 05-15-2011 at 03:26 AM.
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