Re: I'm on the fence on whether I love or hate WP7
I absolutely love my Arrive, I am 100% on board with Microsoft on this one. Their new OS will keep me sticking with them as mentioned above, the Mango update will just enhance some of the awesome features WP7 has to offer.
I came from a tp2 then Evo, I did start liking android a lot, it had a great marketplace. But I found myself flashing it and tweaking it as much as I did my tp2. So I made the switch to Wp7, ( Also all the time I spent tweaking my tp2, I felt like I was cheating on windows mobile w/android lol) Again though, i'm very impressed with this phone, yes it does lack some features, but it's young and they're def coming. The Marketplace is growing rapidly, great games, great apps...!! They have a winner OS in my opinion.
Android vs Windows Phone is all about the end user and what you care about from a phone. I love the windows and will stick with it!
Just give the phone a rolling chance, you'll begin to love it very quickly.!!
Last edited by purian23; 05-14-2011 at 12:51 PM.